The Good Weekend, Sydney Morning Herald

A Perilous Walk By John Zubrzycki PUBLISHED BY FAIRFAX IN THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, THE GOOD WEEKEND, 17 May 2014 “In the Indian Himalayas, children may no longer have to risk their lives simply getting to school thanks to the efforts of one Australian woman.” “Education has a powerful effect not only on the […]
The Herald Sun, Escape

The Buddha and the Boy A personal pilgrimage to laidback Ladakh By Susan Bredow PUBLISHED BY HERALD SUN, ESCAPE, 2 February 2015 We sit to eat under the fruit-laden boughs of apricot and apple trees, waiting for dishes flavoured with creamy masala sauces, plates of neatly chopped salad vegetables and chapatti bread straight from the […]
Herbert Smith Freehills, Alumni News Asia Pacific

Herbert Smith Freehills, Alumni News Asia Pacific December 2017 INTERVIEW WITH FOUNDER, TAMARA CANNON Head in the Clouds, Feet Firmly on the Ground. “Any firm that hires a motivational coach to fire up its workers is always taking a risk. The chances are the move could backfire spectacularly. And this is exactly what happened to […]
Australia-India Focus

Australia India Focus Lille Fro Foundation Published by the Australia-India Council and Australia India Trade Business Council, July 2010 In 2008, Tamara Cannon, a former corporate lawyer based in Sydney, sent an email to a group of friends telling them about Pema, a little girl she had just met off the beaten track while on […]
Horticultural Media Association

Horticultural Media Association Greenhouse Growing In Remote India By Karen Shaw, December 2013 Karen Shaw from Horticultural Media Association interviews Lille Fro Founder, Tamara Cannon on greenhouse growing at high altitude and Lille Fro’s community program in the Himalayas. The Australian charity, Lille Fro, works in one of the most remote places on earth, Ladakh, […]
Jamie Durie – Edible Garden Design

Edible Garden Design By Jamie Durie Published by Lantern, Penguin Group 2013 “The Lille Fro greenhouse program is an inspiration to people living in harsh conditions all over the world”. Ladakh in the Himalayas in northern India is one of the driest places in the world. The growing season is only four months long, so […]
Christian Science Monitor

Long Journey to Better Education in India’s Himalayas By John Zubrzycki PUBLISHED BY THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, 11 MAY 2014 Australian aid worker Tamara Cannon says the organization works closely with local government and village leaders to help supplement the traditional education model where it is not working effectively. “Education… is such a basic human […]